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Friday, January 14, 2011

Stress = Pain!

I've been a pretty busy lady lately, with getting papers together to buy a new house - while working with the other realtor who is selling our current house and getting all of that in line. Its quite the process really!  Either way, I think i've been so stressed out lately about all of the intricate details of that plus daily life that my back started acting up last weekend.  It was crazy really, the middle of my back hurt. not my shoulders or lower back which are my usual culprits.  Well that was starting to get a little better, but then yesterday morning as I was leaving for MOPS, I took our two person stroller out of our trunk, because I Figured it'd be easier for me to just have the regular stroller for Ethan, and that Andrew could walk the few feet from the car to church on his own. As I took the stroller out, I heard a 'ccccrrraaaaccckkk' all the way down my back, from my neck through my middle back - and then had a very difficult time moving without extreme pain from that point on. (This pain has definitely been more in my trapezius muscle and through my shoulder blades down to my middle back.)  The stress, coupled with lifting a 40lb stroller out of my very small trunk had got the best of me :( I took it easy for the rest of the day yesterday with the help of some ibuprofen and hot tubbing, and hoped that it'd get better by morning - but no such luck. In fact - this morning was worse. My husband stayed home from work to take care of the kids, and so therefore I've scheduled myself a 90 minute massage - that starts in an hour! As nice as that sounds, I'm sure its going to be painful.  It always helps though!

That being said, Please look for another review and giveaway soon!



  1. Hi Amy, thanks for the note. Crazy we are both trojans! Too fun. Anyway sorry to hear about your back. Mine started giving me problems (disc problems) so I started Pilates and it's helped a great deal. Hope it feels better soon.

  2. Returning follower- Sorry about your back. A good massage therapist should be able to help. All the best!!!



  3. New follower.

    Get better soon, I hope the massage goes well!


  4. Amy,
    I found your blog through Nan's Follow Me Friday. I hope your back is better.

  5. Get better soon!

    We are in the process of getting our home ready to sell to move into something bigger. I'm ready for it all to be over with.


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