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Friday, December 17, 2010

The BiG 3-0!!

So My husband has just a FEW hours left tonight of his 20's.  He turns 30 tomorrow. He is also working until 10:30 tonight :(

I didn't even realize that it was his last night of being in his 20's until a few hours ago.  I went and got a six pack of beers for us to enjoy the last hour or so of his 20's!!

I also made him some peanut butter cups, which turned out almost exactly like the real thing! (shhh!) and that took all night, but I made 101 of them!

Happy BIG 3-0 Honey!!


  1. hope your hubby has a great bday. the 30s aren't so bad! your newest social parade follower. happy friday night! would *love* a follow back. you can find me at:


    lots of FUN giveaways... come by and enter!

  2. Following you from Follow Friday! You can catch me at Single Mom Says... or @StagMom on twitter! :)

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